

Your Membership Supports Or Chadash

Our Membership Year Begins on July 1st. Initial payments are due in July.

In order to clarify how your payments are applied, please note the following payment policy. All payments are applied in the following order:

  1.  Any balance from any previous year.
  2.  First 25% of current year dues.
  3.  Building Fund commitment for current year.
  4.  Balance of current year dues.
  5.  Balance of any unpaid fees, pledges, etc.

All balances are expected be paid in full by March 31st of each year.

Click here to view our membership options and associated dues.


Make a Single Payment

To make a payment, select a payment type from the list below and click the Submit button. You will be taken to the PayPal website to complete your transaction. After you login, you will have the opportunity to add comments, explanations, notations, or anything else you would like the Office to know about your payment. A financial statement is available to the members upon request to the Treasurer.


Donations to Temple Funds Contributions to any of the Or Chadash Temple Funds are welcomed and appreciated and are a great way to show appreciation or to mark a significant event. All checks should be made out to Or Chadash – The Reform Temple of Hunterdon County. A note will be sent to the recipient of the tribute, and the donation will be recognized in the Or Chadash Newsletter. To make a donation, please click here and choose a fund from the dropdown menu. You can enter your donation amount on the page that follows. You will also be given an opportunity to add comments, explanations, notations, or anything else that you want the Office to know about your donation.

Legacy Circle

A future Legacy gift  symbolizes the true meaning of L’Dor V’Dor, passing on traditions from one generation to the next. Individuals or families, at their discretion, may enter the Book of Life when they plan a  legacy gift or establish an endowment of any amount. To honor you Or Chadash has established  a Legacy Circle Book of Life. To learn more about our Legacy Program and joining the Legacy Circle, click here.

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