Welcome to Fifth Grade Hebrew at Or Chadash Religious School!
5th Grade Hebrew
Teacher – Stephanie Orr
Our Hebrew curriculum includes four main components which work together to provide a complete program for our students as they move from our younger grades to our older grades. We want to teach our students basic Hebrew language, reading and prayer skills while also providing them with a living experience and meaningful connection to the Hebrew language.
Hebrew Through Movement is a program through which students learn Hebrew by sharing and responding to Hebrew commands. Hebrew through Movement introduces language in a playful and meaningful way, creating a positive link between children and the Hebrew language. The Hebrew through Movement curriculum starts by laying a foundation of modern, spoken Hebrew and it builds toward the goal of making our prayers, Jewish vocabulary and Hebrew decoding more accessible to students. The Hebrew through Movement program is supported by the latest brain research on learning, providing an aural foundation for Hebrew that opens the door to Hebrew reading and decoding. Student in Grades K – 5 will take part in weekly Hebrew through Movement activities.
Jewish Life Vocabulary is the component of our program that provides our students with the key Hebrew words and phrases (such as shalom, mazel tov, tikkun olam and more.). By learning, using and exploring Hebrew terms, our students will experience the world through Jewish values as they develop a greater connection to and understanding of the Hebrew language. Weekly vocabulary words will be integrated into classroom teaching for students in very grade level.
Hebrew Reading and Language Program starts by building a foundation in recognizing letters and reading simple Hebrew. With each year of learning students will be able to acquire further language and prayer skills while also building confidence in their ability, proficients and knowledge.
Tefillah (Prayer Service) is an opportunity for building community, making meaning and learning prayers. Tefillah is one of the ways in which Jews celebrate Shabbat and holidays, connect with the larger Jewish world and take part in synagogue life. We believe the best way to learn Tefillah is to participate in Tefillah.
5th Grade Jewish Studies
Teacher – Stephanie Orr
Welcome to 5th Grade Religious Studies! This year students will experience Jewish learning through science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Students will use experimentation to examine connections of the Jewish holidays, Hebrew language, Jewish values and identity using a STEM lens. Examples of the type of activities we will explore this year include: staying the lunar cycle (Science), looking at the official rules for building a Sukkah and innovative ways to interpret those rules (Engineering), looking at the rules for “keeping” Shabbat and the (Technology) that is often utilized to operating elevators and lights, and exploring Gametria, the very (Math) centric area of Judaics.