
Goals of Our Religious Education Program 
  • To promote a positive Jewish identity.
  • To understand that tzedakah, Judaism’s ultimate commitment to justice and righteousness, is a necessary component of living a full and meaningful life.
  • To encourage the students to develop an understanding of God’s place in their lives.
  • To be involved in worship on a regular basis and to be comfortable in the Jewish worship setting.
  • To develop basic Jewish literacy, and a desire for life-long study. This includes the study of Hebrew, siddur skills, Torah, and Jewish history, and learning the importance of observing Jewish rituals and holidays.
  • To develop personal religious thought and create an appreciation of lifelong Torah study as a vital link to our tradition.
  • To provide opportunities for family involvement to enhance and encourage independent Jewish family life.
  • To foster a sense of belonging to the greater community – and positive obligations to it.
  • To understand our relationship to K’lal Yisrael, the “world Jewish community”, and to affirm our bonds to Eretz Yisrael, the “Land of Israel.”
Or Chadash Hebrew Program Goals 
  1. To provide students with a solid foundation in reading/decoding the Hebrew language.
  2. To have students excited about and engage in their Hebrew studies.
  3. For students to see Hebrew as a living language.
  4. For students to feel comfortable and able to participate in Jewish prayer and Jewish life.

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