Religious School Handbook 

Attendance: Students are expected to attend all sessions. If an absence occurs, the student is responsible for requesting an assignment from the teacher and making up the missed work. Attendance will be taken.

All teachers and teaching assistants should initial the sign-in sheet in the office. Teachers and teaching assistants should then go to their rooms and await the arrival of students.


Book bags: Upon enrolling at Or Chadash Religious School, each child will be provided with a book bag. Additional book bags are available for $5.00. If you need an additional book bag, please speak with the Religious Education Director.


Books: All required books and materials will be given to the students on the first day of class. Students who lose books will be required to purchase new ones.


Class Parents: Each grade will have a class parent who will be responsible for communicating school closings and other administrative activities. If you are interested in volunteering, please speak with the Religious Education Director.


Classroom Appearance: The Temple building is our collective home and should be treated with respect and care. Students and teachers are responsible for leaving the classroom clean and orderly. How we treat our building is a reflection of how we feel as a community.


Classroom Behavior: Students are expected to bring the required books and materials, paper, pencils/pens and completed homework assignments for each class session. Students are expected to behave appropriately during all school activities, showing respect for teachers and other students. Students are expected to maintain this level of respect in all Temple activities. If there is a problem with a student that cannot be handled by the teacher, a call and/or meeting with the parent(s) may be required. The Rabbi and the Religious School Director will be notified of such situations and will be available to assist where necessary. The use of cell phones or other toys is not permitted while school is in session unless special arrangements have been previously arranged.


Drop off and Pick up: Timely arrival is expected on the part of all families involved in the Religious School. Parents are encouraged to participate in selected school activities with their children. Parents should pick up their children promptly at the end of class.  Parents are required to enter the building to do so. If your child is carpooling with another parent, please be sure to let the Religious Education Director know in advance.


Lateness and Early Departure: Prompt arrival and attendance through the entirety of sessions is vital to the success of our program. In instances when it is unavoidable to arrive late or leave early, please notify the teacher in advance.


Events: Special programs and events for the school and its students may be scheduled throughout the year. Families are encouraged to attend, as well as teachers and teaching assistants.


Homework: Classroom work is reinforced through regular homework assignments. Though the school attempts to provide the best education possible, we are much more effective as a partner with the home. Therefore, assignments often involve family participation. If there are any questions about any assignment, please feel free to contact the teacher or Rabbi.


Library: The Jenny Weller Memorial Library is a wonderful resource for the Temple. For specific recommendations of appropriate and interesting material, please contact either the Rabbi or Religious Education Director. We hope everyone will take advantage of our growing library.


Registration and Emergency Information Forms: The registration and emergency information forms that you have completed have been shared with the teachers. Please advise the Religious School Director of any changes to this information.


Service Attendance: Students and parents are encouraged to attend and participate in regular Shabbat worship and holiday and festival celebrations. Special services geared toward different grade-level participation may be scheduled as well. Regular attendance reinforces Hebrew prayer skills and helps everyone become familiar and comfortable with our worship customs. Seventh grade students are also strongly encouraged to attend each other’s services when their peers become B’nai Mitzvah.


School Closings: In the event of an emergency or inclement weather, a message will go out to all families via email, and a message will also be left on the Or Chadash answering machine: (908) 806-2122. A closing message will also appear on our website.


Tefillah: Each Sunday from 10:15-10:45 the students will attend Tefillah which will include songs, stories, blessings and other creative learning opportunities. Parents are encouraged to attend. We hope that you will be an active participant during this time, as it will be fun and informative. 


Tzeddakah: In each Judaica classroom there will be a tzeddakah collection. The class will decide how the funds collected will be distributed. Additionally, at many holidays we will have school wide tzeddakah projects. Please encourage your family to participate in these activities.


Visitation: Parents are welcome to observe our classrooms. Please advise the teacher that you would like to observe a class session.


Parents and students with questions or concerns about any aspect of our program are urged to contact the Rabbi and/or our Religious Education Director.